Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Filming Day

Today at Coleridge Me and Sophie began to film our risk project.

We filmed in a different room not the normal Coleridge class room we have lectures in. This is because we wanted a room with not much activity happening.

The location we chose was a staff room inside, it had tables which were helpful for us to set the equipment up onto. Then we was given a stand up light from Pete to help us light.

I took the role of filming when Sophie was stacking up the domino cards idea and I had to keep on moving around the room between each cameras to operate them without getting in the way of the filming process. This was because Sophie was moving the cards along the floor and I wanted everything filmed and captured.

Here is a picture of me filming the cards Sophie is stacking on the floor.

Here a picture I took of the camera filming Sophie stacking up the cards like dominoes.

Equipment we used.

Here are some pictures of me stacking the dominoes in line before we filmed.

This was our setting for the dominoes because we stacked the card tower up on two tables pushed together but the gap in between them effected the dominoes to stand up so we movd the setting onto a single table. Using white plain paper we stuck the paper down with blue tack to secure it to stop it sliding to cause a risk to our experiment.

Here is the light we used as you can see it gives of a nice streak of light which helped the camera to pic up more hopefully.


Todays filming went well than I thought it would of, I did not think that it would take so long, but having to experiment we took longer as we have not really ever practiced that much with our ideas. We did have problems with the cards not being able to fall over at the bends then stopping which was not finishing the result we wanted. But me and Sophie experimented in ways to stand the cards close together make them more bent but we still could not overcome the problem witht he cards not falling all the way. There may have been one time and one piece of footage where they fall down smoothly with no struggle. With the dominoes me and Sophie came up with a idea on how to make the dominoes fall over at the bends and that was to place them closer at a angle but using this method with the cards does not reflect the same result.

Problems during filming:

1. Cards did not fall down like dominoes as we wanted.
2. dominoes were difficult to stand up on the two doubles so had to waste time setting up in the corner at the single table (loosing our time)
3. The card tower was so venerable such as I opened the door and the card tower fell down.
4. Knocking the table accidently.
5. Cameras ran out of tape whilst still working.

Things that went all to plan:

1. I am pleased with the footage we have.
2. I think our ideas worked effectively and hopefully capture risk.
3. All equipment was planned and ready for us.
4. We followed our planned schedule for the week and on track with the project.

Overall I believe me and Sophie had worked well and we achieved what we had planned for ourselves and this project.

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